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The Kukulcán pyramid The Kukulcán pyramid in Chichen Itza The pyramid of Kukulcán is a temple pyramid in the ruined city of Chichén Itzá in the north of the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico.
Skellig Michael - monks and Starwars Skellig Michael und Little Skellig After 600 slippery stone steps you reach the beehive huts of the most extraordinary monastery in Ireland on the island of Skellig Michael.
Nepal - mysterious and colorful Mysterious Nepal Nepal, a landlocked country in South Asia and a former kingdom, borders China and India. The capital city is called Kathmandu.
Photography and travelogues Karin and Jürgen on the island Naoshima in Japan The Tenckhoff photo archive shows photos, videos and images (HDR, color key, etc.) as well as related travel reports from all over the world.
South American Coatis in Mexico Coati in the jungle near Villahermosa We saw and photographed South American coatis (Nasua nasua) in Villahermosa. Their species belongs to the family of small bears.
Pre-Columbian Olmec people Colossal heads of the Olmecs on Lake Catemaco Less known is the prehistoric Mesoamerican La Venta culture of the Olmecs, which reached its peak as early as 1200 to around 400 BC.



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